Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000

6 photos
Photo 1 - Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000
Photo 2 - Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000
Photo 3 - Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000


With a total of 1 accomodation units, this is a nice place to stay. Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000 does not offer 24-hour reception. Unfortunately, there are no accomodation units where those who stay at this establishment can ask for a cot for the little ones. Additionally, a car park is available on the premises for guests' extra convenience. This apartment follows green practices. Additional fees may apply for some services.

Things to keep in mind

  • Deposit on arrival

Services information


Mare Nostrum, Edificio Bruma II Canet d'en Berenguer, Spain

Equipment and services

Access and location
  • Elevator
  • Parking


  • Check in from 17:00h to 20:00h
  • Check out to 10:00h

Additional services
Parking $ 7.84 (per night)
Pet $ 10.46 (per night)
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Photos of the accommodation

Photo 1 - Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000
Photo 2 - Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000
Photo 3 - Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000
Photo 4 - Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000
Photo 5 - Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000
Photo 6 - Apartamentos Canet de Berenguer 3000